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Ann Arbor and Glen Ellyn, Midwest, United States
Two Sisters with a shared passion for fiber coming together to pursue their yet to be determined path to fiber fame

Saturday, January 10, 2009

How do you begin a blog?

How does one start a blog? I keep thinking, writing, but not posting! Who will care? Oh well. Seems like you just have to start somewhere and just post to please myself and sis (the other half of this blog thing).
So, as it begins, I am looking outside my suburban Chicago window and watching the snow fall and fall. At least 8 inches so far. The storm seems stalled over my house. This does not bother me (knitters view this as opportunity to just knit a bit longer - heck nowhere to go), but my husband on the other hand is quite ill humoured about it.

So here goes. My first actual post. I am including a picture of my lucky little charm. So sweet in his brand new stripped earflap hat. It came from great little kit I purchased on a spontaneous visit to Galena, IL last week. The local yarn shop, FiberWild is a wonderful store. Very inviting, chock full of yarns and great little kits. This neat little kit contained a magic piece of fleece. Just the right amount to line the hat so Henry will actually wear it! So simple, yet so perfect!

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